Saturday, 1 November 2014

Table Layout

Table layouts in Android works in the same way HTML table layouts work. You can divide your layouts into rows and columns. Its very easy to understand. The image below should give you an idea.
1. Create a new project File -> New -> Android Project
2. In Package Explorer right click on res/layout folder and create a new Android XML File and name it as you wish. I am naming it as “table_layout.xml”res/layout -> Right Click -> New -> Android XML File
3. Now open newly created xml file (in my case “table_layout.xml”) and type the following code.

    android:shrinkColumns="*"  android:stretchColumns="*" android:background="#ffffff">
    <!-- Row 1 with single column -->
            android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
            android:textSize="18dp" android:text="Row 1"  android:layout_span="3"
            android:padding="18dip" android:background="#b0b0b0"
    <!-- Row 2 with 3 columns -->
            android:id="@+id/TextView04" android:text="Row 2 column 1"
            android:layout_weight="1" android:background="#dcdcdc"
            android:padding="20dip" android:gravity="center"/> 
            android:id="@+id/TextView04" android:text="Row 2 column 2"
            android:layout_weight="1" android:background="#d3d3d3"
            android:padding="20dip" android:gravity="center"/>
            android:id="@+id/TextView04" android:text="Row 2 column 3"
            android:layout_weight="1" android:background="#cac9c9"
            android:padding="20dip" android:gravity="center"/>
    <!-- Row 3 with 2 columns -->
            android:id="@+id/TextView04" android:text="Row 3 column 1"
            android:layout_weight="1" android:background="#b0b0b0"
            android:padding="20dip" android:gravity="center"/>
            android:id="@+id/TextView04" android:text="Row 3 column 2"
            android:layout_weight="1" android:background="#a09f9f"
            android:padding="20dip" android:gravity="center"/> 

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